With the Vision of Making World Safer and Efficient, Steam-Therm International (formerly Steam-Therm Consultancy) was formed as a consulting firm specializing in STEAM and CYROGENIC in which engineering like Critical Pipe stress analysis, piping layout, Steam and Condensate circuit designing, Bulk BOQ preparation, , Walk thru audit for steam & condensate circuit , Cryogenic tanks, Valves, Cryogenic projects etc. ....
Steam has played vital role in past, playing in present and will be one of the key factors for sustainability of living being on earth in future.
So, to enhance the usage of Steam correctly, a proper and corrective engineering design is required. Design make a path way for setting up of production plant.....
Cryogenic means low temperature. The word itself refers to the technology of sub-zero temperatures.
We very well know that Air (Gas molecules) cannot be stored. So, to enhance the Storage of Gas Like Oxygen, Argon, Nitrogen etc. which are pressurized
at high pressure and cooled at a stage where gas forms are converted into Liquid form where the gas are stored in Liquid form so, whenever there is requirement this liquified gas can be converted to gaseous form for the further usage.
The thermal energy (heating - cooling) at the required temperature plays a vital role for the storage of gas in the tank and for further process usage
Critical Pipe Stress Analysis
In any process, Chemical, Power plant the boiler / Turbine / Exchangers / Pump / Compressors are the heart of the plant. If they don’t perform well then there can be huge capital loss.
If the piping connected to above mentioned equipment is not analysed with proper engineering design method, then, it may lead to malfunctioning of equipment.
Sometimes it might damage the equipment.....
Piping Engineering
Piping engineering, the word itself describe the need of any industrial start-up requirement starts from a good engineering piping.
Without correct piping engineering, if the piping’s are designed, they lead to loss of the profit margin of any company.
PIPING Engineering plays a very important role during initial stage of plant design phase......
Steam and Condensate Circuit